About COCO NET Inc.

COCO NET Inc. is an alliance of equipment maintenance, physical asset reliability & business professionals. (Trainers, Mentors, Facilitators, Practitioners, and Managers) We support asset-intensive companies to achieve, and sustain world-class operational excellence. Our experts have consulted extensively on Industry 4.0 (4th Generation) culture change, advanced manufacturing technology and Management Information System solutions. Our specialties are business integrity engineering, EAM / CMMS system design & implementation, improvement initiatives using risk-based LEAN RCM, human factors vulnerability management, optimum cost safe-work processes, and business resilience enablement.

Principal Practitioner Profile

Carlo Odoardi

M. Eng, B. Eng, Dipl. T

Years of Experience:30+

Notable Facts: Carlo Odoardi is a consummate Business Reliability professional with a real passion for helping asset-intensive companies achieve sustainable, world-class operational performance. He has consulted extensively on industrial culture change, business transformation, advanced industrial technology applications, and Management Information System solutions. Of late, he specializes in the design and implementation of physical asset reliability practices, processes, and enabling technologies. He uses these to improve the operational effectiveness of a wide range of industrial manufacturers.

Expertise: Carlo is an RCM2 and RCM3 presenter, holds a Master of Engineering degree from the Intelligent Machines and Manufacturing Research Center (IMMRC) at McMaster University and an Associate's degree in Electronics Engineering Technology from Ryerson University. He is past Chair of the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP) Ontario Chapter.